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Montag, 19. September 2016

Deutschland - Kann man da auch seine Freizeit genießen?

Um meine Antwort vorweg zu nehmen: Ja man kann!
Since 2 months I am back in Germany and it's time for a short update.
As I had to move and to get in to my new job there wasn't tons of time, but still, i managed to do some hiking and getting to know better my country of birth.
With my brothers i went to the Alps and we did a 2days hike to the mountain Hochkalter (2610m). 
at the glaciar
a glaciar in the clouds
beautiful path the next morning
good view
left hand side always clouds, to the right always sun
at the top of Hochkalter (2610m)

Just some weeks later again with my brothers: We took part in a team triathlon - one of us riding the bike for 16km, the next one swiming 500m and one running 4km. Although never done that before we ended up in midfield :)

Another weekend I met up with Albi, a friend of mine I met hitchhinking in Central America. Together we did a weekend hiking tour for 80km in the saxonian switzerland. It was awesome nature, view people around and quite some nerves to not get caught by the national park guards.
Sunrise after the first night in our hammocks
hygiene time during sunrise
The river Elbe down to our feet

And yesterday was Chiles national holiday. Although not anymore living there we celebrated drinking a typical chilean cocktail.
Terremoteando en Dresde
The next weeks i'll be having some holidays, so I am pretty sure there's something new to tell afterwards.
Saludos y abrazos!

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