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Samstag, 4. Juli 2015


Liebe Freunde und Followers,
seit heute morgen habe ich meine ersten chilenischen Ferien... :) Nach 4 Monaten ohne Ferien richtig nötig.
Das erste Bild von der Preisverleihung der schulinternen Mathematik-Olympiade.

Und auch zum Couchsurfen hatte ich meine bisherige wintzige "Wohnung" angeboten. Hier war Laura aus dem Süden Chiles zu Besuch.

Vor einer Woche bin ich umgezogen. Ich wohne nun viel größer (allein mein Zimmer in der Zweier-WG ist größer) wenn auch etwa doppelt so weit von der Schule weg.
Meine Mitbewohnerin ist Paulina, eine ruhige und nette Chilenin.

The last days i have been on short trips as well! FINALLY i made it to the ocean! I was visiting chilean friends in Algarrobo and Valparaiso.

In Algarrobo is located the largest artificial swimming pool of the world (photo below). Thanks to connections i was able to see it.
 Also passed by a funny looking building with flats...

Remember: Here it is "winter" right now ;)

Funny how things always seem to work out for me: after just half an hour in Algarrobo i already had an invitation to a barbeque with some chilean families :D

Playing football with the children and talking to the parents: in the middle of the attention ;)

So also Fred got some new friends there.

Aber hier kommt die traurige Nachricht... Fred... hat sich verlaufen... Vielleicht ist er vergesslich geworden und hat den Heimweg nicht mehr gefunden... I am sad about loosing my beloved travel mate who has seen so  much of the world... We had one last picture together before destiny splitted us apart.

The next day i was in Valparaiso. My dear friend Kati showed me around in this town known for its hills and paintings and coloured houses.

We passed by the new entrance of the football stadium (where yesterday Peru bet Paraguay and became 3rd place in the Copa America). We also saw nice street art pictures on the house walls in many places.

There was also a parade of green coloured Loros in the streets and other funny things.

El miercoles estuve con unos colegas alemanes en "La Moneda" - el palacio donde trabaja la presidente de Chile.

We had a tour there it a lot of history was explained to us. And here it is where I found THE PERFECT couch for Couchsurfing :) 
The text for this Couch could sound like this:
Nice historical Couch in good shape in the very center of Santiago! Close to Metro and shopping and sights. The best service all around the country as well as the safest place in Chile due to a whole bunch of guards. You have Wifi connection as well as a gym in the basement. Just don't forget to bring your sleeping bag :)

I also used the board of speakers, the very place where chileans president uses to give her speeches for television. FREEDOM AND EDUCATION FOR ALL!
 Beim Bierchen danach mit ein paar deutschen Kollegen.

Und in meinen Winterferien fliege ich unter andem nach Ecuador. Ein paar neue Fleckchen dieser Erde kennen lernen...
Mein Flug geht in 7 Stunden, ich sollte langsam fertig packen...

All the very best for you! See you soon! :)

PS: still no one of you visited me here :( Step by as long as I will be here... how many chances do you have to get to know some places of south america?!? ^^