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Freitag, 25. Juli 2014

Travelling Croatia the fast way

Hallo liebe Mitlesende!
Ich schreibe mal wieder von der Reise. :) Diesmal soll es in die wohl untouristischste Region Europas gehen, den Balkan. Teil 1: Kroatien.
As usual i only have a small backpack with me, this time 10kg because of a small tent.
I started on monday by train. My ticket to Zagreb but i let destiny decide where to go of. This travel I almost didn't plan anything... as usually i was smiling and talked to people. a woman in the train made some calls and finally she offered me to stay at her parents house in Zagreb (first picture).
Zagreb was really nice. Fred also enjoyed it (fotos nr 2 +3).
The second night i stayed at a couchsurfer family close to Zagreb. They and their neighbours were amazing, and also introduced me to croation beer and Raki ;)
Am nächsten Morgen bin ich per Bus an die Plitvicer Seen gefahren. Atemberaubend: die Schönheit, leider auch die Menge an Touristen (4 Fotos). Ich habe sogar 2 Jungs aus Jena getroffen, die ich am Dialekt erkannt habe.
Zur Sprache generell: kroatisch, bosnisch, serbisch und montenegrinisch scheinen sehr ähnlich bis gleich zu sein. Durch mein russisch verstehe ich es auch ein klein wenig und kann mich tw gar verständlich machen.
Hier in der Touri-Gegend kann ich mich sprachlich besonders austoben. In der Meute laufend höre ich Spanisch, schwedisch, kroatisch, russisch, deutsch, englisch oder andere und kann meist sofort in der richtigen Sprache mitmischen, zumindest höflich um Verzeihung bitten, wenn ich mich mal wieder vorbei-drängle.
Die Leute sind meist nett und gastfreundlich.
Nach Plitvice bin ich abends noch 100km per Anhalter gefahren (einfache Leute bis zum Dekan der Uni!). Als es dunkel wurde hab ich 20km vor der Adriaküste einfach auf einem Feld gezeltet. Am nächsten Morgen ließ ich das Zelt trocknen (Foto-Patent läuft). I also experienced that 100ml of water just is enough to roughly wash my hair :D better not to post a picture of that...
I visited the city of Zadar and than hitchhiked the same day to Biograd, where I met my german friend Anne and friends of her (foto in the car).
After a night at a camping place (i needed electricity for charging my devices) i hitchhiked to Split. One of my rides was in a Taxi :) Tom, an awesome nice guy, was driving me almost 100km for free.
Split is an old city created in the roman empire. It is just beautiful (2 pictures). That and beeing a Friday today is the reason why no hostel had a bed for me anymore!!! I just wanted to camp another time in the forest, when things went working out a bit crazy. A woman in the street gave me a tip for a hostel, which unfortunately was already full. Feeling herself like being my mom she didn't want me to sleep in the forest. She called a friend, who called another friend who finally offered me a small shitty apartment without any windows for a price I could choose myself :D
Well done! Thanks!
Now i will go and enjoy Split by night. Tomorrow i am hitchhiking to Dubrovnik I think. But if it is nice at some place in between, I'll just stay there... as spontaneously as possible :)
In between all the trouble there's travelling a Michael - smiling...
Feel huged all of you!

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