Translator / Übersetzer

Samstag, 28. Dezember 2013

Some statistics of my travel

Dear friends,
you may live either here in Germany or in other parts of the world - it does not matter. We met and you became part of my live and travel! It was an awesome experience for me. Thanks to everyone for the support!

I don't want to do a lot of math here, just some facts about my travel.

Traveling longer distances (without any tours)
17 times by plane
14 times by bus
3 times by train (+ 8 Züge innerhalb Deutschlands)
34 times hitchhiking

With couchsurfing: 7 times in Russia, 2 times Malaysia, 8 times Australia, 4 times New Zealand, 4 times Argentina, 9 times Chile and one time Peru (all together 35 mostly incredible hosts)
In hostels altogether 12 times
In a tent 6 times
Somewhere (buses, trains, parks) 17 times

As many of you maybe will ask me about my favorite places, here are some very special ones (especially about nature) to me:
Lake Baikal/Russia
Mornington Peninsula/Australia
Mt. Ben Lomond/New Zealand
West Coast of New Zealand
Patagonia/south of Argentina and Chile
Moon valley/Chile
Machu Picchu mountain/Peru

Other facts
I have been traveling for 155 days altogether
Money spent in total: about 8500€
Cheapest place: Kota Bharu/Malaysia
Most expensive place: Melbourne/Australia, Byron Bay/Australia
The longest distance from home was in Christchurch/New Zealand with 18300km to Chemnitz
Most touristic places: Perhenthian islands/Malaysia, Sydney/Australia, Rotarua/New Zealand, San Pedro de Atacama/Chile, Cusco/Peru
Longest day: the 15.10. had 40 hours for me because of travelling with the time shift
Longest flight: 14 hours
Longest travel without a brake: 36 hours by bus in Chile
Smallest airports: Tasmania/Australia
Biggest airport: Beijing/China

Personal opinions
Best country for traveling: Russia (pretty safe and very nice people)
Biggest fear so far: breathing without mask while diving lessons in Malaysia
Nicest people in one place: Krasnoyarsk/Russia
Language most uncomfortable hearing: English in New Zealand spoken by women
Biggest difference in between places in one country: Argentina
Best unexpected encounters:

And this is where I just have to say: Thanks for everything! Also for everyone of you I met, who supported me or read my blog...
I also updated my travel itinerary (picture).
There will be a presentation of my travel the 16th of february  in Chemnitz. Everybody is warmly invited and should ask me for more details...
See you soon and have a happy new year!!! :)

Liebe Blog-Leser! Neuversuch!
Am 16.02.2014 um 14Uhr (Beginn!) werde ich Ausschnitte meiner gesamten Reise präsentieren. Das einmalige Event steigt in Chemnitz im Gewerbegebiet am Sportforum. Die genaue Adresse habt ihr entweder schon bei Facebook oder per Email erfahren. Wenn nicht, dann fragt bitte bei mir oder meinen Eltern nach. =)
Dauer: ca. 4 Stunden
Gegen das Verdursten und Verhungern werden kleine Gegenmaßnahmen bereitstehen.
Ich freue mich über euer Erscheinen!
Bis bald, der Michael

PS: Wenn jemand von euch gern noch einen Kuchen/Torte (am besten zum mit der Hand essen) mitbringen möchte - sagt mir einfach Bescheid, ich würde mich freuen.

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